We are thrilled to shine a spotlight on Eye of the Collector, lighting the entirety of works on display at the fair that celebrates 6,000 years of art history in one of London’s most remarkable landmarks, Two Temple Place. The third annual edition of the fair will kick off with a first access Preview taking place on Wednesday 17 May and will be followed by a general opening from Thursday 18 May – Saturday 20 May.
As art lighting specialists, we strive to not only enhance the visual impact of the artworks but create an environment that deepens the connection between the audience and each artwork. Our team is currently on-site sculpting the light of our high colour rendition GalleryOneThirty (G130) spotlights to accentuate each individual artwork and place each one within the larger context of this uniquely intimate venue.
Our lights will guide the way, leading visitors through what is truly one of London’s most impressive historic homes. Illuminating the spiral staircase, our spotlights’ ultra-narrow beam enables us to spotlight from a long distance emphasising the objects displayed on the staircase. Our mission here is to enable every artwork to stand independently while engaging with their majestic surroundings.
As the exclusive lighting provider for Eye of the Collector, we are proud to deliver lighting solutions that meet the demands of showcasing art created through the centuries in the best possible light. Our versatile G130 spotlight, with quick interchangeable lenses to vary the beam width was used throughout the entirety of the fair, to create a textured yet consistent lighting experience allowing us to perfectly balance the light throughout the fair.